WEEK 1: Reconnecting to what you have.
I always start week one the same…. WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR?
I once read that if you write down 5 things you are grateful for every day, in 2 months your life will be completely changed! Really??? Well then, I guess this is the perfect way to begin our first challenge. If we operate out of abundance and gratitude, life will continue to multiply those blessings in our lives and deplete our stress. So this week try to write at least 5 things a day that you are grateful for and see what begins to happen! Use your smartphone, ipad, daily planner…etc…EVERY day though, write at least 5!
This year anyone who comments on our weekly challenges or shares the page on facebook, will be entered to win a special piece of Good Carma Hand Stamped Jewelry. So follow us on facebook by clicking here, or comment on this web post!
What are you grateful for this week?