Carmalyn McCracken is an inspirational keynote speaker, seminar/workshop leader, Adjunct Professor and a Certified Life Coach. She has lived in Texas for 30+ years although home was originally in a Chicago suburb. She has her Masters degree in Counseling from Prairie View A&M University and Bachelors degree in Psychology from Marquette University. She loves to talk to people and more importantly she loves to listen to their stories.
As a life coach of over 20+ years, she works with individuals and small groups to support, challenge and encourage her clients through personal or career challenges. She helps guide clients to reach their ultimate goals. She can help individuals in all the different areas of their life. She focuses on equipping her clients with tools, language and courage to make the tiny shifts in their lives to find more peace, more courage and more joy.
As a speaker, her presentations are designed to be thought provoking and fun filled. She is an enthusiastic speaker, her talks and seminars are informative, and her excitement is contagious. She loves to use great stories and humor to help shift others to improve their lives and discover more joy. She has spent over 30 years working with people on challenging their mindsets. Carmalyn reminds us “when we change our mindsets, we change our lives and we find more joy!” She strives to support others in discovering their hidden dreams and to help them live a more fulfilling life. She will challenge you to learn more, laugh more and be more.
Carmalyn knows how important the language we speak to ourselves is. Our mindsets can make or break us. This has inspired her to create her own jewelry collection, Good Carma Hand Stamped Jewelry. in which she handstamps your favorite words, scriptures, mantras, mindsets etc. onto bracelets, key chains, necklaces and more.
On a personal note, some of Carmalyn’s favorite things to do include weekend wandering with her husband Robert, riding her ebike, playing pickleball and attending live music events.
Read more about Carmalyn in her interview with ShoutOutHTX
What People are saying about Carmalyn:
- I have employed Carmalyn McCracken to speak at several of my cluster meetings and she is a tremendous motivation for my team. ~SG
- I just wanted to say thank you for the fun in-service yesterday. What you shared with us really resonated with me. I tend to stress out about everything: work, grad school, personal relationships, etc. and feel like I am going to really try to make a conscious effort to live my life thinking more positively and with gratitude for the small things. ~CS
- Thank you so much for speaking at our meeting. Your energy is contagious! All the members loved you! ~AB
- I really enjoyed meeting you and listening to your talk today at the MOMS Club meeting. It was very informative and uplifting. So often people don’t realize how closely organization is related to emotional issues. Thank you again. ~JH
- Thanks so much for your inspirational message this past weekend. I have been cleaning out closets since I returned. (Yes, even at 4am). It feels great to be organized and even better to have a change in attitude about gathering “stuff”. ~MW
- I was so happy with what you helped me do in my pantry, I called my mom and my sister and told them what you said and suggested. Mom asked if I had found many items that I didn’t know I had and my sister loves all your philosophy that I repeated to her! This morning I took digital pictures to show the teachers at school. I’m so happy with the new look. I can’t thank you enough. I will call you when I tackle my next decluttering area. Carmalyn, you were sent to Hampton Oak to soothe my life!!!!!! ~GH
What People are saying about coaching:
- “Who exactly seeks out a coach? Winners who want even more out of life.” Chicago Tribune
- “Part therapist, part consultant, part motivational expert, part professional organizer, part friend, part nag — the coach seeks to do for your life what a personal trainer does for your body.” Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune
- “Got a nagging feeling that your life could be more fulfilling? Want to change direction but aren’t sure how to do it? Here’s how to jump start your new life today … Hire a personal coach.” -Modern Maturity
In addition to coaching and teaching the Got Joy? Workshops, my professional services include fun filled presentations for:
- Conferences
- Retreats
- Professional Events
- Alumni Events
- Parent Events
- School Events
- Church Events
- Neighborhood Events
In-Joy yourself! If your group is looking for a fun and inspiring presentation, please contact Carmalyn.
For More Information, Please Contact Carmalyn at:
Phone: 713-206-1598
You can find all of her social links here
Check out her ETSY store HERE
You Got Joy ~~ Let me help YOU find it!
Carmalyn R. McCracken, MA
Certified Life Coach, Professor & Motivational Speaker
Ph: 713-206-1598