Ready, set, GO!!! Today I’m launching our first challenge in our 15 week challenge from stressed to blessed. Each week I will post a challenge for you to try to fold into your busy lives. They won’t sound hard, but so metimes… well, sometimes ANYTHING extra or different in your life can feel hard. However, like I tell my kids…step outs
ide of your comfort zone to find the magic.
I’ve decided our theme for this year is to become more MINDFUL. This will be tricky for some. Heck I think it’s tricky for most. We all are going through life with our MINDS FULL! Full of to do lists, and things to pick up and places to be and passwords to remember. Our minds are FULL. So our challenge this year will be to start shifting our minds daily to become more MINDFUL and in those moments discover more joy.
So here you go…. CHALLENGE 1 should you choose to accept it…
Spend at least 5 minutes a day doing NOTHING.
- Take 5 minutes to just sit in silence. Become aware of your thoughts. Focus on your breathing. Notice the world around you. Become comfortable with the silence and stillness.
Would love to hear your comments or message me with your results. I’ll add more tips to this challenge tomorrow. Now get busy doing NOTHING.