This week our challenge focuses on Kindness. I often talk about kindness and the benefits it brings… such as Kindness slows aging. Kindness increases our happiness. Kindness is contagious. Kindness does your heart good.
What about when we run into Unkind people? It makes it harder, right? Well, with our focus this year on being more mindful when our minds are full, I thought today was a good day to post this challenge. Election Day! Yikes. IF there was a day to help spread kindness maybe today (and tomorrow) is that time. I
found an article Elisha Goldstein, PhD wrote and she practices this simple meditation when she stumbles into unkind people.
“May I be at ease…” (Me)
“May you be at ease…” (The other person)
“May we all be at ease…” (Everyone around us)
She says “doing this simple three part practice takes me less than 30 seconds and rapidly transforms my experience from disconnection and rage into connection and balance.”
I love this. Simple. Let’s all accept the challenge of finding and spreading kindness this week. Warning: This simple transformation just might create a whole lot of peace in yourself.
As Thich Nhat Hanh says, “Peace in oneself, peace in the world.”