I make myself laugh. Although I don’t “do” resolutions per se, I am a HUGE fan of new beginnings! With that in mind, I am starting a few projects for 2012. The first project is a private one, in which each day I take a photo of what I am grateful for. It’s funny, because every morning I wake up and wonder, “hmmmm. what will I be grateful for today?” Then throughout my day, I notice so many options that continue to bless my life. I am keeping this privately documented and at the end of the year hope to have my kids help me make a video slide show of my 366 (leap year) photos.
My public project is sort of on those same lines, except I am participating with a group on a weekly basis. I am new to following a blog http://www.iloveitallwithmonikawright.com/ in which she posts a word of the week every Thursday and then we post our photos in a www.fliker.com group. This week the word of the week for the new year is “NEW”… I will be documenting my weekly word picture here on my blog. I will tag each entry, so if anyone ever is curious what I posted, you can simply look up the 52 weeks in photos tag. If you’d like to join along, head over to her blog and find more details.
In the meantime….drumroll please parumrumrumrumpumpumpum here is my first photo
I thought this was the perfect capture of “new”. Our new kitties have brought us “new” life, “new” laughter, “new” love and “new” joy. We all have so much fun with them and they are a blessing to our family. They join our dog, hamster, and 2 kids. Currently their names are Doerre & Alice (but the names seem to change!).