I’m tired. It’s hot. I’m bored. There’s nothing to do… Ahhhh, the sounds of mid-summer. Does this sound at all familiar? I love my kids and I love summer break, but every now and then, I don’t like the combo of the two. Ha ha. Kidding of course! Here we are mid July and things are starting to get a little redundant. I decided it was time to get out of our own way and go do something…for someone else.
That’s it! I got busy and snapped up a shift at our local food pantry (www.namonline.org). Madi & I spent 3 hours there yesterday. We love working at the food pantry. We don’t do anything particularly important, per se, yet we always find the time so rewarding. I thought I’d share
a few of my thoughts on the afternoon.
- First we spent time sorting out donations, checking for expiration dates then putting the items on the shelves with similar products. I was moved by the fact that no matter the size of the donation, people are able to help others. Now of course some of the donations were large boxes filled with many items, but then there were some donations that held maybe 2 pasta items, a jar of sauce and 2 cans of soup. At first sight, those donations don’t seem like much, but it got me thinking… what if everyone would just pick up just a few extra items on their weekly grocery run and dropthem off at the local food pantry, what an impact that could make.
- Next we sorted school supplies. I was amazed at the number of supplies they had for us to sort, and then the reality hit…this might not even make a dent. So many children with out… So as I sat there sorting I started praying for all the children in need. May this supply grow mightily so that many will receive.
- Finally we spent the last of our time bagging stock up bags for larger families. We took a grocery cart and filled up 3 grocery sacks with certain items for families to pick up. Let see, 2 pastas, 1 sauce, 1 misc. starch, 1 ziplock of rice and 1 of dry beans, 2 rolls of toilet paper, 3 cans of green beans, 3 cans of corn, 2 cans of soup, 2 cans of fruit, 1 box of cereal, 1 snack, 1 pkg of cornbread, 2 cans of beans. At first we were just filling up the bags, but then I started really focusing on my task and let me tell you, those bags were packed with purpose and love. I made sure each item was placed in the right spot, I carefully distributed the weight, and I consciously prayed for each family.
By the end of our time there, both Madi & I were in great moods. We worked hard and we were able to take the focus off of ourselves and put it on helping others. We laughed a lot during our shift. We enjoyed spending the afternoon together. It was a win-win.
We ended our day together around the dinner table talking about other ways we can serve, both individually and as a family. What about you? When was the last time you were able to volunteer and get out there and serve others? Nothing shifts a mood faster than doing something for others. I encourage you to get out, and do it! Spread your blessings and watch them grow.
Love this, girl! I think I’ll make some calls on Monday morning! Thanks for the idea!