Day 17-⭐️ Your doubts create your mountains and your action moves them. You will find time for what is important to you and excuses for what is not. Click HERE to watch video message. -💥 Stop putting off the things that can actually propel you forward. Stop making excuses and start making time. 30 mindsets in 30 days, change your mindset, change your life, find more … [Read more...] about Day 17 of 30 Mindset Shifts
Mindset Shift
Day 16 of 30 Day Mindset Shift Challenge
⭐️Day 16-⭐️ Your doubts create your mountains and your action moves them. Click HERE to watch video message. -💥 Your doubts create your mountains and your actions move them! This is a quote by Mel Robbins, and I just love it. All of the chatter in our head and the noise that keeps us from doing the things we love can easily quickly be quieted when we just … [Read more...] about Day 16 of 30 Day Mindset Shift Challenge
Even the smallest mindset shift can make a BIG difference
We are 🌸half-way🌸 through our 30 Day Mindset Challenge -Just a little reminder how even tiny shifts can make a huge impact! Stay tuned for mindset shift number 15 posted later this afternoon.♥️ #Change your mindset #MindsetChallenge #FeelBetter #FindJoy #YouGotJoy … [Read more...] about Even the smallest mindset shift can make a BIG difference
Day 15 of 30 Mindset Shift Challenge
⭐️Day 15-⭐️ If You think adventure is dangerous try routine, it’s lethal. Click HERE to watch video message. -this one hits right on the bull’s-eye for me. I’m not often one who passes on adventure, but recently as you’ll hear I n the video I did. I was full of regret the next day wondering why would I pass on the opportunity to dance. … [Read more...] about Day 15 of 30 Mindset Shift Challenge
Day 14 of 30 Mindset Shifts
The power of this little 3 letter word is a game changer! Click HERE to watch video message. Feeling discouraged that you are not where you want to be or haven't accomplished what you want??? Try adding this word to the end of your sentence...YET I am not where I want to be YET. I am frustrated I haven't gotten my dream job YET. Do you see? Do you feel the shift in your idea of … [Read more...] about Day 14 of 30 Mindset Shifts
Day 13 of 30 Mindset Shifts
Mindset ShiftsDay 13 If you can't get OUT of it, you better get INTO it! Watch the video message HERE oh how I love this one! If you can't get out of it, you better get into it!! When you HAVE to do something and you can not get out of it, change your mindset and figure out a way to get into it!!! 30 mindsets in 30 days, change your mindset, change your life, find more … [Read more...] about Day 13 of 30 Mindset Shifts
Day 12 of 30 Mindset Shifts
Mindset Shiftsday 12 - Flip the Script! Watch the video message HERE When you get stuck in your head focusing on the negative. It's time to Flip the Script! Stop thinking of all the things that will go wrong and start thinking of what could go right! I can't say this enough... you WILL find what you are looking for - so start looking for the positives in ALL situations (because there are … [Read more...] about Day 12 of 30 Mindset Shifts