As we all know, life is full of endings. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in only watching the ending come then we stop. We forget that each ending brings some type of new beginning. Always! always.
Here we are at the END of another school year. At the END of of our middle school life. At the END of having 2 drivers in the house.
However, we are at the BEGINNING of summer. At the BEGINNING of our High School years. At the BEGINNING of another driver in the house.
What do I focus on? Do I mourn that the kids are growing up too fast. Do I mourn that our years together as a family of four at the dinner table are quickly passing…
… do I celebrate that my kids are growing into smart, kind, beautiful, giving soon-to-be-adults.
…or do I simply press the PAUSE button and teeter between sadness & joy. love & fear…trusting that these endings bring beautiful, new beginnings.