One thing I always say is if you don’t know what you are looking for, you will never find it. How often have you opened the fridge to find something to eat and think “I have NOTHING to eat?” Or you go into your closet in the morning and think “I have NOTHING to wear!”… really?? Really??? NOTHING??? Or is it that you just do not know what you are looking for. After all, surely there is some food in the fridge and clothes in the closet, but if you don’t know exactly what you are looking for you will NOT find it.
Joy is always around us. The question is: do you recognize it? This past month has been a bit stressful for my family. My athlete son had to have reconstructive PCL knee surgery; this very active boy, this boy who ever since he got his driver’s license has been out and about. Whether practicing a sport, visiting his friends or popping over to Whataburger, he is a boy on the move… And although I am always grateful for the new found freedom as mom when my kids start driving, I certainly do miss our random car conversations and time together.
Now that my son has had his surgery, I laugh, because I think “be careful for what you wish for,” since now I’m back in car rider line every day at 2:30. Now I’m waking up early to get him to school on time every day, and I am driving him everywhere… I’m not going to lie though… I love it.
I hate that this kid is down for 6 weeks, but I love the unexpected together time it has temporarily brought back. It’s brought back great conversations in the car, random game nights, dinner together every night, and lots of family time again.
My point is this; even in the hard times (recovering from surgery, etc.) there is always joy to be found. The question is will you see it? Finding joy is always a choice… Joy is always around, but you must be intentional in finding it, embracing it, and allowing it into your life.
This summer I challenge you to take a moment and open your eyes to new found joy. Remember, you WILL find what you are looking for you just need to be intentional.