Yikes, thank goodness this is Leap Year, because that gives me one extra day in February to complete my goal! haha… I said I would give you some tips on continuing to focus on your WORD of the year and I want to do that NOW!!!
As you may recall, my word is an odd one, one that took me a long time to dig it out of my soul but knew it was in there planted deep waiting to bloom – my word is INFLOWING. As someone who spends a LOT of time OUTflowing on others this year I wanted to spend some serious reflection and action (or lack of action) on INflowing.
When we start to really know what we want, where we want to go, who we want to be with, the universere naturally helps us find these things…. BUT we MUST begin our journey of LOOKING for what we want…
Simple Law of Attraction: “the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere and in many ways. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations and circumstances.”
So with that in mind, we must start
Think of your word…
Now… think of how it can and will show up in these areas of your life:
~your CAREER
~your FUN or FREE TIME
So I might ask myself “What can I do to experience INFLOW in my releationships?” *make monthly dates with friends who inspire me (whether via phone or in person) *focused time with family who understand me and love me anyways *spend quality time with those I love by disconnecting from electronics to be fully present
“How can I find INFLOW with my spirituality?” *dedicate meditation time *read articles that fill me up *attend worship regularly
“How can I find INFLOW in my finances?” *learn more about the act of minalmism *practice self restraint *declutter *be at peace knowing I have everything I need
Does this make sense? Now that you know what WORD you want to focus on all year, start breaking it down into where you can FIND that word in your daily life.
Pick one of the above areas and let me know what you can do to find more of your intention in that area. Comment below or message me privately.
Remember, the Law of Attraction is bringing you whatyou focus most on… So make sure you have your vision set straight!