We are on day 4 of our VBS experience. I promised I would blog each day about witnessing God’s love in action at Northwoods Presbyterian Church. Today what really inspired me was the amazing volunteer crew that we have manning the VBS ship. Here it is day 4 and I KNOW they must be feeling a little tired as the week winds down, but you know what, you would never know it!
The high caliber of excellence that has stepped up to man the ship of our High Seas Expedition is truly God’s work. Our volunteers go above and beyond the call of duty. From our snack crew, to the art ladies, to the shepherds, musicians, class leaders, singers and more, we are blessed with leadership that is a gift from above.
What really touches my heart, is that our VBS volunteers actually take a week off of their schedule to come and be part of God’s experience at Northwoods. We also have a number of volunteers who are not even church members. We have a bunch of volunteers who are new to Northwoods and then we have a number of volunteers who are our tried and true, show up every year. All of our volunteers have hearts of gold, love to share and are totally dedicated to our VBS kids. We have male and female, young and old, shy and out-going… A true variety and when you pull them all together, we are certainly making a difference here on campus.
The lesson from today really reminds me how great it is to do something for others. To step outside of your comfort zone and commit to something bigger than you. To make a difference in another’s life, you must volunteer to show up!
I am just so impressed watching all of the crew working together to keep it afloat and moving forward. The volunteers at Northwoods Presbyterian church VBS truly are “God Sightings”. Thank you all for what you are doing, sharing and giving! You are a blessing!