Wow, how’s that for a title? I was just thinking, do you know anyone who is always just filled with D.R.A.M.A.? You know, the kind of lady who enters every meeting or conversation with “You’ll never believe what I’ve just been through…”. I like to consider myself as having a very HIGH joy filter, and usually can find myself in the company of others who seek JOY vs. Stress. However, every now and then one of these D.R.A.M.A. MaMas slip into a meeting or passes through on a conversation.
I started thinking, is it really that they have so much more chaos IN their world? Or is it just that they ARE chaos???? Recently at one of my kids events I sat in the wrong place at the wrong time and within minutes, felt completely drained by the conversation of an aquaintence… Ugh..
My pastor always asks us, “are we helping to build XX up or tear it down?” I have found myself asking that question often. Do I leave others feeling energized or depleted? I certainly try to make it a positive experience. I am after all a life coach, and I do try to help others with this skill.
When I am doing my JOY filled talks, I like to remind people about the laws of attraction. The law of attraction simply states that we attract into our life whatever we think about… So, do you think JOY? and attract JOY? Do you think STRESS and attract stress? Do you think CHAOS and attract chaos? Do you think LOVE and attract love?
Look around in your life RIGHT now and see what you find! We will only see what we are looking for. What are you looking for? The bright side? The drama? How often do we open the fridge and look right at the mustard yelling “where is the mustard?” It is there. Right there, yet sometimes we are blinded by our own vision.
Change your vision, change your attitude, change your mind. Choose JOY, choose LOVE, choose LAUGHTER. Then, watch as the universe rewards you with all of these treasures and more!
So true! And it fits right in with the sermon yesterday about what’s written on your heart. The minister asked us to think of 4 people who had written on our hearts, and then 4 whose hearts we’d hope to write on. He urged us to remember that it takes more than one person (even many) to fill our hearts and that we also may influence many people. And JOY and LOVE and LAUGHTER are the way to do it! You express such zest for life, Carmalyn!