Here I am with my Grama’s old fur hat (faux, fyi). A winter staple in my wardrobe!
I am going to snuggle in my bed with my big fur hat on and super soft slippers. I’m going to make soups and brownies. Too cold for salads~so there goes my “diet” resolution. I am just too cold to make any new decisions!!! Brr, brrr, brrr!
I guess I just always thought it was an oxymoron to use January as the time for new beginnings. I mean this is when nature hibernates, the sun goes to bed early, the flowers hide their sweet faces, the birds fly south…and I’m supposed to be thinking WOW, what do I want to change, do better, do different?! Uh, no thanks.
Personally I find that April is my month of new beginnings. That’s the month that I love to plan, plant my seeds, begin new projects, open all the windows and let the cold winter, stale air out and the warm floral breezes blow in. April. Yes, that’s my high energy month! January, nope. January is my put on my cozy warm clothes, hibernate with a good book, read up on my favorite magazines that have been piling up through the crazy holiday months. I like to crock pot my dinners and slow everything down!!! I like to pull out my journal, look at old photographs, watch great movies and drink hot cocoa. I like to write my thank you notes to those I love and play games around the kitchen table with my family. I like to snuggle with my honey, giggle with my kids and enjoy the slow, long winter days.
That’s what my January looks like.
I recently read somewhere that The month of January is named after the Roman god, Janus, who is famous for having two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backwards. As much as I love the idea of looking backward and looking forward, it’s just too cold to do that right now…Sorry Janus, I’m going to take a rain check…and a warm bath. See you in April!
New years resolutions? Nope, Too cold!