Yesterday my kids headed back to school. This year I have a sophomore in high school and an 8th grader. I think it’s funny, that even though they are both full grown teenagers, I still get choked up dropping them off on their first day of school.
I still remember dropping my daughter off at pre-school and being so nervous. Then after lunch I ran by to peek in the window and check in on her. She was sitting by herself at a table and all the other kids were walking around. I started to cry! I called my bestie, CH and cried to her about how I may have made a mistake sending her to a bigger school. It was awful. My heart broker for this sweet little shy girl sitting all by herself! Well, after school when I picked her up, I asked her teacher about it and this is what she said “M is such a sweet child. She really follows directions well. As a matter of fact, the reason she was sitting at the table when you peeked in, was because she already put away all of her play things, and was waiting while the others did the same!”
WHAT??? I cried all afternoon for nothing? She had a GREAT day? She made friends? oh my goodness! What a relief!
I guess I had a little mistaken mommy moment on that one. haha
Well since then, I am so glad that my kids love school. They may not admit that to their friends, but they do. (As do I). But as with all “first days” a bit of anxiety was present – wondering would they have friends to sit with at lunch? would they have good/fun teachers? will they have a good schedule? – oh, by the way, these were MY anxieties! not theirs!! again… haha.
Yep, I had to pull on my big girl panties and trust that my kids would do great. The first day of school always seems to be the longest day for me. I just need them to come home and tell me it all went good.
So, last night, in honor of “fall” beginning, I made chili and corn bread for dinner, then a delicious pumpkin cake for dessert! What a treat, dessert is NOT a usual occurrence at the McCracken household. The best part was that my hubs worked from home yesterday, so while he was making the chili and I was making the cake, the four of us all talked about all of the happenings at school.
It was a GREAT night! I am so grateful that they had a good first day. Saw lots of their friends, had fun lunch buddies, and love their teachers! I guess my lesson I learn every first day of school, is to trust that my kids can take care of themselves. Trust that they will seek out good friends to hang with. Trust that the right teachers are placed at the head of their classrooms every year. Trust that they will be challenged and ready for those challenges. Because every first day of school dinner, this is what I’m told. I am so grateful for these 2 wonderful blessings that push me and my emotions to the edge! I am so grateful for a ever present husband who shares all of these moments with me!
Thank goodness today is the next day! Now, I can put away those first day sissy emotions… until next year!
- One year ago.
- Sophomore Year!!
- One year ago
- 8th Grader