Today while talking to my buddy C, I knew what my new blog would be about. She was telling me about this great new camp she attended with a child she mentors. It was a Christian camp and it was amazing. There were many things she loved about the camp, but her favorite thing was their motto:
I am number THREE!
What that means is they put God first, then others, then themselves. So they are always number three. Hmmm, I know God is for sure my number 1, and as a mom/wife/friend many times others are my number 2, but at the end of the day, if I am number 3 – I’m tired, cranky, and overall drained. It’s truly a daily battle – should I put others first or myself?
Now, I am NOT saying be selfish per se… except, I guess I sort of am. I mean, if we are always putting others first, then how do we take care of ourselves? It was funny, because during the same conversation this morning, C & I were talking about the two of us trying to go on a retreat together. I mentioned one that I’ve always wanted to do and she asked me how much $$ it was. I asked her why did it matter when she just said she would spend $795 to send her daughter to the aforementioned camp for a week.
She would spend nearly $800 for her daughter but then waiver on a couple of hundred for herself? She laughed then said, “yes, but that was for my daughter.” Seriously???!!! huh??? Sadly, she is not alone in this kind of thinking. How many times as moms do we go over and above for our kids and yet tackle daily guilt about doing anything for ourselves?
While shopping at this wonderful new event called the Gypsy Market ( this week, I found a piece of jewelry that said “I’m Second”. I think that fits better for me. I know I have to put the oxygen mask on myself first then help my loved ones (as the flight attendant always reminds us).
Remember that old but true statement? “When MaMa ain’t happy….” Yes, I want to fully give myself, my love, my attention to those who matter to me, but I think I need to do it once I’ve taken care of myself. So, I choose me…which in turn will help me choose thee! 🙂 (is that bad??? lol)
What is something small you do for yourself regularly that helps you feel full and able to give to others? Share in the comment section… Would love to hear from you.
I dance!!!!! It is so hard sometimes to get to my once weekly 2 hour dance class. I run home, make dinner for everyone else, change and run out the door. There are many days that I just want to stay home. The kids have homework, the laundry’s not done, I’m tired, I haven’t seen the baby all day…I have a million excuses… but I know that after my dance time, I have an attitude that suits my family & me much better than the one I carried home from work!
I will share a quick story about a dance class a few weeks ago. This was right before my miscarriage, so I was still early pregnant, and tired, and a little sick. I had worked all day, drove almost 2 hours to get home and was generally in a not great mood. I was having a mental tug of war all the way home and really really did not want to go. But, I knew that I would miss out on the choreography, and lets face it, I’m not 20 any more and it takes me a little longer to pick it up than it used to! So I went. I got there about 15 minutes late and jumped in. Jazz went great and by ballet I was ready to pirouette my day away!
My dance instructor is in the process of trying to adopt a baby. While we were stretching, someone asked her how it was going. Through sudden tears she confided that it was not going well. Things were very up in the air and had a huge hurdle to get past the next day. She went into the whole story from when she first met the baby, to the baby’s family situation and why she was being taken away, and all of the court battles they had fought and the battles that were still to come. The odds were stacked way against her. Of course by the end of the story we were all in tears. We made a circle and each took turns praying for her and her soon to be family. We did not get any ballet done, but it was the best dance class I have ever been to. I am so glad that I talked myself into doing something that is only for me and I will never miss another dance class if I can help it! My motto is (stolen from my favorite coffee mug) When in doubt – Just Dance!
By the way, she has her baby now!