Week 13 – Lucky week 13 on the week of the 13th. cool. ok. So are you BUSY? Are you STRESSED? Has the shortened Holiday spacing got you short fused? Well, this weeks WORD of the WEEK is a simple one…. PAUSE.. yes, you read that right.. PAUSE. you don’t need to full on stop what you are doing, but what if you took a tiny MOMent each day this week to PAUSE. This week I CHALLENGE you to PAUSE…
Here are people in a busy train station taking a minute to PAUSE…https://www.facebook.com/kortni.mann/posts/10152052893557480.
…good quiet Sunday morning. Sometimes the only place to find my “pause” in the middle of a crazy week is to get out of bed a little early, make my coffee and just sit and stare at my pretty Christmas tree all by myself. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This 10 minute morning pause has refreshed me and I am ready to go, to serve, to play, to wrap, to go and to go.. Where can you find a PAUSE today?
…After running, shopping, wrapping, tapping, making, doing and doing some more…. yesterday i took a FULL day to PAUSE! I even cooked a homemade dinner! what?! yes. my family was shocked by the scene in the kitchen! Today as I go celebrate Christmas with my sweet Alzheimer’s group, I will be reminded of the power of NOW! for this is the moment we have. right NOW!… what if we never PAUSE to realize the joy… the blessings… the people we love…. I KNOW YOU are so busy… but do yourself a favor and take a few moments today to PAUSE!!!