This week our challenge seems easy enough, however, sometimes we don’t know when or how to “let it go”… However, once we do, we find release, relief and often times the missing peace we have been craving. One way we can move from stressed to blessed is by letting go what we no longer need or believe to be true.
Picture yours elf holding a glass of water in the air. Now what if I asked you to hold it for 5 minutes like that… now hold it for 50 minutes…now hold it up for 5 hours.. 5 days..5 mon
ths. What once seemed so easy to hold onto now becomes a difficult task. It is heavy. Our muscles start to ache and spasm. We don’t even need the glass of water anymore, but yet here we sit and hold the darn thing…The pain…
Why do we hold onto things that hurt us??? So now I tell you to go ahead and put the glass down. Let it go…how simple it is to just put the glass down on the table… yet so often in life we don’t. We continue to hold on to painful memories, or regret or anger. Not this week!!! This week we are all going to let it go. Put it down!
So your challenge is to let it go. Put it down. Enjoy the freedom of space you create when you finally let go of what you no longer need. Enjoy the release of tension in your muscles you didn’t know you were clamping. Imagine a big red balloon filled with your worries and let it go and watch it float away into the sky… I know it can be scary at first…but the sense of peace and freedom you get from finally saying “enough…I’m letting it go” will hopefully encourage you to do this more! Even if for just one hour or one day, tell yourself “It’s ok. I don’t have to hold on to this right now.”
Remember that old saying, Leave your worries at the door… try it out… let me know what you think.