We are entering into the “busy” season. Stress is starting to build. People are rushing. People are tired. This week our challenge is to be the smile… be the kindness… be the JOY.
Be intentional in spreading kindness everywhere you go. EVERYWHERE! After all this is a “challenge”. The time change is leaving people a little tired, a little irritated. Let’s be the light.
A long time ago I was so frustrated after dealing with a really awful, cranky, mean person and was telling my favorite hometown friend, Katie. I still remember her telling me “kill them with kindness Carmie” that’s all we can do. Ever since then, that tiny little mantra rings true in my ears every time I come across an unhappy cashier, a frustrated telephone operator or others. I don’t know what has transpired in their day up until the moment I came, but I do know that my mission is to spread JOY and kindness to all. So friends, I urge you to do the same this week