Coaching Tip.
What you look for you will find.
What you focus on you will become.
What are you looking for in your daily life? The bad news? The hopelessness of what’s going on? What you go looking for you will find…
Shift your perspective… look for LOVE. Look for JOY. Look for HOPE. You will start to see it EVERYWHERE.
Recently while working with a client, I asked her to daily write 3 things that bring her JOY> after realizing that she was in a hard place and having a very difficult time doing that, I shifted the words and asked her to daily write down 3 things that don’t suck right now…. SUCCESS…
sometimes when we are SO FAR away from JOY and we can NOT seem to focus on that, we may need to make a tiny shift.
Although you may not be able to FIND the joy when you are really, really down or in a really bad place (don’t worry, b/c it IS there, we just need to redefine your vision) you CAN recognize tiny little things that may not “suck” right now.
I apologize for the graphic words of “What does not suck right now” but for each client the WORDS are different. What would your list be titled? Gratitude List? Joy List? Things that don’t suck list? Tiny wins list???
No matter what you call it, at the end of the day you do FIND and you are able to reFOCUS on the good in your life. You simply have to do the work and LOOK>
Let me help you focus your vision on the life you want. Summer sale 6 – 30 minute phone sessions for $350