Recently a post was going around on Facebook about listing 25 random things about yourself. At first I thought it was a weird idea, but as I started listing my random facts, I enjoyed the task. So often I think moms forget who they are. It’s hard to know what we like or who we are, yet we totally could easily list 25 things about our kids. Take a moment if you have not already listed your 25 random facts and share them with a friend or two via email. Let’s take a moment to share OUR story. Here’s mine…
1. Red is my favorite color. 2. I have never lived in a house with cable, satelite etc. All network TV, all the time… 3. I love to go to the movies by myself. 4. I spent a year in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, and still treasure those memories. 5. I collect anything that says “JOY” 6. I had scoliosis surgery the summer before high school (never had to wear that dorky silver brace, but did have to wear another dorky brace). It was not successful and I still have the letter “S” as a spine. 7. I was in the Miss Teen Illinois- but didn’t win…(how ’bout that for random???) 8. I danced on our Homecoming float in the high school parade. 9. I worked in a sweater factory in Neenah WI one summer during college and my job was turning the sweaters inside out and steaming them…maybe that’s when I fell in love with heat & humidity that would soon be my home in Texas – ha 10. I met my husband on a blind date! 11. I spent an afternoon with George & Barbara Bush, touring them around my inner city school back in the ’90s as a progam director for Communities In Schools – but I never told my friends at the time b/c they were die hard democrats! 12. I sailed a boat around the Bahamas with the Marquette Sailing team in college, even though I knew NOTHING about sailing! 13. I love chocolate.14. I wear a thumb ring (since college). It represents “You only live once, enjoy it!” 15. I took Spanish all 4 years in HS and played the Flute. I still dream in Spanish occasionally. 16. I have NO rhythm, no matter how hard I try, I can not clap on beat.17. I didn’t know I was pregnant until around month 3!!! (with Madi) long story! 18. I cry during commercials. 19. If it was socially acceptable, I would soak myself in sparkle and wear a tiara every day!!! Not because I want to be a princess, but because I LOVE sparkle!:) 20. I believe in magic. 21. My heart broke when my grandpa died. 22. I love the water and I love the wind! I have great wind hair, the windier it gets the better it looks. I plan on someday getting another convertible in trade for the family Explorer. 23. I consider myself quite skilled in the art of Feng Shui. 24. Although I don’t consider myself crafty, I do love to create things…knitting, scrapbooking, glitter pieces etc. 25. I am an extreme thinker… I am always wondering about a whole lot of stuff. I love to learn.
How cool your on facebook we need to become friends!!! 😛